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Wednesday, 27 June 2012

[TUT] How to fake an instant mine [TUT]

Step 1

For this step you will need to find GuiChat And rename it in another class of your own for this tutorial i used GuiChatSpoof.

Step 2
Now you will need to make a new class called CheckKey and make it like..

[Image: 2012-06-12_1154.png]

But now we need to make it actually do something so go into guiingame (or your own custom class) and make some variables.
[Image: 2012-06-12_1204.png]
And then make that do something.
[Image: 2012-06-12_1206.png]

But now we need to make the cheakKey activate something..
Rename GuiChatSpoof to your own class.
[Image: 2012-06-12_1207.png]

Step 3
Now u can go into your copied version of GuiChat (I used GuiChatSpoof) And find:
String s = inputField.getText().trim();
Under that you can make some fake chat messages. I used:

[Image: 2012-06-12_1210.png]

Step 4
Then you can make some people send fake chat messages with the checkkey method you have created like these examples i have made.
[Image: 2012-06-12_1212.png]

Step 5
Now finally we need to create that instant so locate your self to And locate:
[Image: 2012-06-12_1214.png]
Then change that to this:
[Image: 2012-06-12_1215.png]

Out of the 1000 checkKey threads i dont know who originally made it..

I hoped you enjoyed this tutorial :D

[TUT] Howto Organize Your Hacks 3 Easy Steps

  Credit TO:-

This is going to be a real quick simple tutorial for organization for your minecraft hacks Yeye
Step 1: Packages

Create packages to organize class files instead of putting everything inside net.minecraft.src

ClientName.Gui would hold your GUI related files.
ClientName.Main would hold your methods class (explained later) and your variables class.
ClientName.Hacks would hold all your separate hack class, this part is optional and depends if you have such class files.
Step 2: Class Files
Organizing class files can be VERY helpful in situations were to have LOTS of code to deal with, my suggestion is putting 3 lines of space between each section of code, and on the middle line put "// TitleOfCodeBelow"

// Example

if(Example) {

Step 3: Methods Class
This is probably the most important thing in organization.
A methods class is used to store all your methods, instead of putting them in places like and, making it easier to find a edit.

That concludes this 3 step tutorial, I hope this helps people so they don't waste precious time of there life's looking for code. YOLO

Monday, 25 June 2012

[TUT] Looking like a boss when coding[TUT]

Okay so most people aren't bosses cause tey are like AWMG mc.GAYSETTINGS.GGammaSetting = 10549F; LOLOL
else blah blah.

First we be a badass by making a new package Called BrightNess.

Next We make too static voids like these.

package Speaker;
import net.minecraft.client.*;
import net.minecraft.src.*;
public class BrightnessModifier {

static Minecraft mc;
public BrightnessModifier()

public static void BrightToggled(Minecraft mc)
    mc.gameSettings.gammaSetting = 10000F;

public static void BrightDisabled(Minecraft mc)
mc.gameSettings.gammaSetting = 1.0F;   
That is my class.
Well this does the same as any other bright except we are badasses because we made it in voids.

Next go into guiingame.

And call it like this!

K time to explain dis gay shiet.
First void just sets gamma to 10000F.
Second just sets it to 1.0F.
Okay now then we make a if statement that does that or else if it is off it does dat k.
And now we wasted time to look like the shit brah.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

[Release] [1.2.5] Xenon Client 1.6 [Clickable GUI] [TTF] [OptiFine] [Sliders]

[Image: HAXZQ.png]
Many people wanted me to release this client, so here it is! More hacks will be added along the way, but for now it has a nice list of features. Here we go!

Added sliders, made GUI key changable, changed position of the drop button.

Added freecam and fixed some stuff.

Features/Keybinds (Click to Hide)

Up arrow: GUI
R: Flight
C: Brightness
B: Step
X: X-ray
F: Sprint
H: SpeedMine
N: NoFall
SpeedHack: GUI
AutoTool: GUI
K: Kill Aura
Z: Sneak
L: FastPlace
V: Freecam

More hacks will be added in the coming updates.
The keybinds are configurable. There will be a Xenon folder in your .minecraft with a config.txt file where you can change the key binds.

Screenshots & Videos (Click to Hide)

Main menu:
[Image: 08_06_12_14_41_42.png]

TTF Chat/ArrayList GUI:
[Image: 08_06_12_14_44_13.png]

Clickable/Draggable/Pinnable GUI:
[Image: 23_06_12_18_03_48.png]

Pause Menu:
[Image: 08_06_12_14_45_46.png]

Thanks 0zone.

Thanks energyblazer.

If you have any suggestions, questions, comments or concerns, post here

[TUT] using glScissor for better scrollable areas

Credit TO:=  jonalu
I have recently been fully recoding the jClient GUI and thought that scrollable hack lists would be nice for a resizable window gui. Well, my first guess was to simply show the rows and scroll down one row for each 120° wheel. (that may sound complicated, you cant really explain it)
demonstration on main menu changelog:
[Image: 6cqUEuiw0E.png]

[Image: LwYOO2BXkS.png]

As you can see, you cant simply make it scroll like half a row, it would go over the rectangle. hope i explained that well.
Now the fix I made:
[Image: TRLMDg2EO2.png]

[Image: snbCY6rBkW.png]

you can see that you cant see all of the text, but only a bit. I think it looks much better and smoother than the other one. You could even add some effects such as a small shadow gradient to it or whatever. How I actually did this:
There is a function in lwjgl that lets you define a scissor box. using it is a bit complicated as its axis start in the bottom left corner and it ignores glscale. When you defined a scissor box, you can glEnable a "filter" called GL_SCISSOR_TEST. that will not draw any pixels outside of that box. like that you can "cut them off". When you want to change it back to normal, just glDisable GL_SCISSOR_TEST again. The code to set up a scissor box I made:
[Image: k6pQFwUe8y.png]

it basically calculates the first corner x and y, calculates width and height of the rect and calculates the guiscale minecraft uses with it.

  1. you call that code with the rect you want to fill
  2. you glEnable GL_SCISSORS_TEST before drawing that area
  3. you disable it again after finishing that area.

That is basically it. I do know I cant explain shit, but if you dont understand how to use this, then simply dont. I would love some credit if you use this, but I will probably never get credits in the griefing section ;)
I will not answer anything about this on skype if you dont know me for longer already.

[HQ TUT] GUI Radar, rotating too! (Code breakdown & SRC) [/HQ TUT]

Step one: Imports.

First, we need to import the nessesary classes. This is only based on the assumption that you are using a seperate package for the class that I'm about to show you.

[Image: b2YTBr.png]

Step one: Complete.

Step two: Class declaration & Variables.

Ok. So, again, assuming you are coding this in another package, create these variables:

[Image: dsxajt.png]

Forget the '' etc. That's a base class I use. Find that one out yourself.

Step two: Complete.

Step three: The called method.

So now, we prepare the first method, and it's also the method we will be calling, from GuiIngame or your hooked class.

[Image: YqCblo.png]

Step three: Complete.

Step four: The actual GUI radar method.
Now, we'll make the actual method that creates the instance of the entites, and displays them; aswell as using basic math to find the appropriate co-ordinates.

[Image: Ky1avZ.png]
[Image: wra2lV.png]
[Image: tEUbmN.png]

So now that's done, that's it. Feel free to customize the colours, or basically anything.

Step four: Complete.

Step five: Calling the GUI radar as a whole.

[Image: rnM7c0.png]

That's it!

Step five: Complete.


Thanks all.
Figure out yourself what it looks like.... Thumbsup

If you want the complete code dump, here you are.

package Java.Gui;

import java.util.List;

import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;

import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.src.Entity;
import net.minecraft.src.EntityChicken;
import net.minecraft.src.EntityClientPlayerMP;
import net.minecraft.src.EntityCow;
import net.minecraft.src.EntityCreeper;
import net.minecraft.src.EntityEnderman;
import net.minecraft.src.EntityLiving;
import net.minecraft.src.EntityOtherPlayerMP;
import net.minecraft.src.EntityPig;
import net.minecraft.src.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.src.EntitySheep;
import net.minecraft.src.EntitySkeleton;
import net.minecraft.src.EntitySquid;
import net.minecraft.src.EntityZombie;
import net.minecraft.src.FontRenderer;
import Java.MediaClient;
import Java.Methods;

public class GuiRadar2 {

    protected static MediaClient media = new MediaClient();

    protected static Minecraft mc =;

    static FontRenderer fontrenderer =;

    public static void radarOverlay(){
        /** This is the main method we will be calling. */
        /** Push the matrix */
        GL11.glTranslatef(50, 50, 0);
        /** We are setting the point the entities rotate around. */
        Methods.rounded(-48, -48, 50, 50, 0xff00, 0x800);
        /** Draw the main rect, which is STATIC. This does NOT rotate. */
        Methods.drawRect(-1, -1, 1, 1, 0xffff0000);
        /** This is the center point which by default imitates your position. */
        GL11.glRotatef(-mc.thePlayer.rotationYaw, 0, 0, 1);
        /** Rotate whatever is called below, to your minus yaw movement. */
        /** Call the method we wrote earlier. */
        /** Pop the matrix, which means to reset all the GL11 commands. */

    static void draw_radar_2(){

        int posX, posZ;
        /** New integer variables, called posX & posZ. */
        List list = mc.theWorld.loadedEntityList;
        /** New list, equal to the loaded entities in the current chunk. */
        for(Object o : list){
            /** The for loop iterates through the list, and each iteration, performs the execution code below */
            int i = list.indexOf(o);
            /** Get the value of the current iteration, and store it in a variable. */
            Entity entity = (Entity)list.get(i);
            /** Make a new instance of an Entity, and make it equal to the entity in the current iteration. We make it compatible by casting it.  */
            if(entity != mc.thePlayer && entity != null){
                /** If the entity is not equal to you, and the entity doesn't null pointer.. */
                int pdisx = (int) Math.round(mc.thePlayer.posX);
                /** Get your current x position, (we cast it into a integer data type) */
                int pdisz = (int) Math.round(mc.thePlayer.posZ);
                /** Get your current z position, (we cast it into a integer data type) */
                int disx = (int) Math.round(entity.posX);
                /** Get the entities current x position, (we cast it into a integer data type) */
                int disz = (int) Math.round(entity.posZ);
                /** Get the entities current z position, (we cast it into a integer data type) */
                posX = pdisx - disx;
                /** Subtract the entities pos x from our pos x. */
                posZ = pdisz - disz;
                /** Subtract the entities pos z from our pos z. */
                boolean flag = Math.hypot(posX, posZ)< 50;
                /** A new boolean, called flag. It's value depends whether the hypotenue of the posX & posZ values is smaller than 50. */
        /** If the condition above is met, then this code is executed. */
        if(entity instanceof EntityPlayer){
        mc.ingameGUI.drawRect(posX - 1, posZ - 1, posX + 1, posZ + 1, 0xffE4287C);
        }else if(entity instanceof EntityPig){
        mc.ingameGUI.drawRect(posX - 1, posZ - 1, posX + 1, posZ + 1, 0xffF535AA);
        }else if(entity instanceof EntityChicken){
        mc.ingameGUI.drawRect(posX - 1, posZ - 1, posX + 1, posZ + 1, 0xff);
        }else if(entity instanceof EntityCow){
        mc.ingameGUI.drawRect(posX - 1, posZ - 1, posX + 1, posZ + 1, 0xffF535AA);
        }else if(entity instanceof EntitySheep){
        mc.ingameGUI.drawRect(posX - 1, posZ - 1, posX + 1, posZ + 1, 0xff666362);
        }else if(entity instanceof EntitySquid){
        mc.ingameGUI.drawRect(posX - 1, posZ - 1, posX + 1, posZ + 1, 0xff00);
        }else if(entity instanceof EntityZombie){
        mc.ingameGUI.drawRect(posX - 1, posZ - 1, posX + 1, posZ + 1, 0xff347C2C);
        }else if(entity instanceof EntitySkeleton){
        mc.ingameGUI.drawRect(posX - 1, posZ - 1, posX + 1, posZ + 1, 0xff463E41);
        }else if(entity instanceof EntityCreeper){
        mc.ingameGUI.drawRect(posX - 1, posZ - 1, posX + 1, posZ + 1, 0xff00cc00);
        }else if(entity instanceof EntityEnderman){
        mc.ingameGUI.drawRect(posX - 1, posZ - 1, posX + 1, posZ + 1, 0xff302217);
        /** Pretty self explanitory. */       





Monday, 4 June 2012

Nodus Freecam Dupe (Working on bukkit v3.0)

Well, Me and my friend found out a way to dupe on craftbukkit-1.2.5-R3.0. Since it has been patched in the recent snapshot of bukkit or 3.1, I have decided to give away it for free to the public.

Nodus Freecam dupe with Stackable items:

Step 1: Have these materials in your inventory for the dupe to work. Materials: One single chest and 2 of the Stackable item you want to dupe.
Step 2: Place 1 of the stackable blocks inside of the chest and still have the other stackable block in your inventory.
Step 3: Go into freecam and break the chest and wait until the chest breaks.
Step 4: Take the block that is still shown in the gui of the chest (infinite block) and right click the other stackable block in your inventory. This should make the block in your inventory start to stack.
Explanation of the dupe:
This works because when in the old nodus dupe you created the blocks you want to dupe from the infinite block. By this dupe you already have the other block in your inventory and it is able to stack because it is actually a real block not a duped block that was created from the infinite block.

Nodus Freecam Dupe with Non-Stackable Items:
Step 1: Have these materials needed that you want to dupe: A single chest, and the non-stackable item like a bow or sword.(Yes this does work on enchanted swords and bows and even armor too)
Step 2: Put the Non-Stackable item (sword or bow) inside the chest.
Step 3: Break the chest in freecam and open the the chest quickly and access the chest until you see the chest break in the backround.
Step 4: Once chest is broken, take the new infinite non-stackable item from the chest gui and put it into your inventory.
Step 5: Exit freecam and go pickup your the non-stackable item and the chest that was put on the floor. You should now have 2 of the non-stackable item. But one is actually an invalid block, so the next step will explain how to make the invalid block become a real block.
Step 6: Place Single chest back down.
Step 7: Take the Non-stackable item that was DROPPED FROM BREAKING THE CHEST IN FREECAM and not the invalid block you placed in your inventory and put it in the single chest again.
Step 8: Repeat Step 3.
Step 9: Take the item out of the chest and place the that is non-stackable item (bow, sword, or armor) and right-click it over the already duped non-stackable item to make the invalid block become valid.
Step 10: Exit freecam and go pickup the non-stackable item that broke with the chest.
Step 11: Take all 3 of your non-stackable items and drop them on the floor.
Step 12: Pickup them up and Congratulations you have just duped a non-stackable item (Bow, sword, or armor.)
Explanation of the dupe: Basically your making an infinite block or invalid non-stackable item become an actual valid item. And it makes 3 of the item. :3

NOTE: This will only work on servers with craftbukkit-1.2.5-R3.0.
Not on servers with (snapshot R3.1)

P.S.- Sorry i didn't make a video tut. I have the worst upload speed ever so i decided just to do a written text. If you do not believe me or can't get it to work please post a server IP with craftbukkit-1.2.5-R3.0 and not with (snapshot R3.1) inside of it either. I will personally show you. Also, Haters....fuck off.

P.S.S- inb4flamers
inb4doesntwork (when it does)

Have a Wonderful Day

Credit To-FrostyAssassin