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Thursday 3 May 2012

[2.3]Hawk -[NC Bypass's for: Derp, Kill Aura, Nuker, Jesus| 100+ Features| Updates]

[Image: 5MGFA.png]


This is a client i have been working on in the past few days, its using CR's base but CR was old, and the name and GUI went together and i didn't like that. So heres my new client, i also renamed it because i don't like working on the same thing for to long.

Major Features:

  • Radar - Friends | Players | Mobs Shown
  • IRC - Connect and Chat with fellow client users!
  • Full ESP - Friends | Players Find that annoying player if he/she gets away
  • Chat/Mob ESP - Find Chests or Mobs EASY!
  • Click/Drag GUI - Toggle Hacks with a click of the mouse
  • Custom KeyBinds - Change your keybinds and save them!
  • Save/Load - Load and save what you currently have toggled, and friends!
  • Config - Edit Aything from the clients name, kill delay, or xray block id!
  • Auto Tool - Change to the tool best suited for the job
  • AutoPvP/KillAura - Kill anything mobs or players within a certain distance!
  • Teleport - Teleport anywhere with a click, or tying .tp x y z!
  • Jesus - Walk on water without being pulled back!
  • NoSwing - No Swing bypass, Look funny destroying stuff with this on!
  • Full Xray - Full xray as well as Customization
  • MUCH MUCH More inclding Survival and Creative nuke, NC Bypassed Sprint, Fly, Critical hit ect.

All Features

Live news - live news at the main menu screen
Array List - Array list showing currently activated hacks(aVo like Pinch)
Click and drag menu - Click tab to open the menu
Console - Click backspace to open console
Menu color choice - Choose between red, green, gold, blue, purple and orange. within the menu tab called "GUI Color"
Client name change - Use the console and type ("client=New name") This is saved in a settings file in your .minecraft folder
Player name change - Use the console and type ("player=New name") This is saved in a settings file in your .minecraft folder(this changes your name client side.
Instant respawn
Friends List ("list") ("friend add/del *username*")
Add friends
Better fly. (Faster.)
Username changer
Proxy support
Teleport (Click and x-y-z)
Delete friends
Friends have changed ESP
Friends cannot be damaged.
Friends get capes
Global cape API thanks to pig bacon
Custom jump height - Use the hack menu
Custom step height - ("setstep ") or the Hack menu
Custom speed - ("setspeed ") or the hack menu
Custom Nuker - ("nukeid ") or the hack menu
Custom Xray - ("setxray ") - or the hack menu
Custom Fast Place - Use the hack menu
Custom Kill aura delay - ("killdelay ")Set the kill aura delay with the "Delay" settings in the menu
Day - set the time to day, client side. ("day")
weather - set the weather off or on. ("noweather")
opacity xray(jade)
Flash Light - see in the dark. ("fullbright")
Jade - Make everything have a lesser opacity ("jade")
xRay - Turn on xray for all ores ("xray")
ChestESP - Find chests with a chest drawn tracer ("chestesp")
Clean water - Removes a rendered image of when your in water, clears it up ("cleanwater")
Radar - a radar of all the players within a certain block distance, if green they are on your friends list ("radar")
Mob Radar - Adds mobs to the radar ("mobradar")
XP Orb tracer - find XP orbs with a tracer line and box esp ("orbtrace")
Fast Place - Place blocks fast, can be changed in the custom settings("fastplace")
Smash Delay - Takes away the delay of smashing in creative("???")
Custom xray - set your xray block id with settings or ("setxray 56")
Auto PvP - Auto aim and attack people ("pvp")
Full ESP - Player Tracer and box ESP, Red for enemy, Green for friend ("esp")
Jet Pack - JetPack your way around by spamming the space bar, aka infinite jump ("jetpack")
Creative Nuker - automatically threaded. Turn on in a creative server and destroy anything withing reach distance, INSTANTLY! ("creativenuke")
Survival Nuker - Same as creative, but not instant, set the block id and nuke, no buffer overflow crash either! ("customnuke")
Step - Step up blocks, edit how many blocks in settings ("step")
Wall Climb - Climb walls like spider man ("wallclimb")
Fly - Buggy, a creative fly, hold up then deactive to fix the down pulling ("fly")
Speed Mine - Slightly faster mining ("speedmine")
Aimbot - Auto aim at mobs and entitys within a certain distance
Freecam - Buggy with the fly hack, but works. takes you out of your body to explore things ("freecam")
Follow - Jump into a player or mob and where ever they walk, you walk! ("follow")
Mob ESP - Draws mob nametags ("mobesp")
Sprint - Emulates sprinting ("sprint")
GodMode - Still buggy, sets the player as dead, cant toggle back YET(got to fix that eh? ;D) ("godmode")
Ghost Mode - Not sure if its even working, but pulls you out of your body and you can walk without actually moving from your original player ("ghostmode")
Retard - Derps you the fuck out ("derp" or "retard")
No Web - not affected by web ("noweb")
Auto walk - Auto walk...really? you need me to explain this shit? ("autowalk")
Insta-mine - Improved speedmine, Diamond tools as fast as gold tools. ("instamine")
Big Players - Renders players massive, for finding and for teh lol's ("bigplayer"/"big")
Wall Hack - Makes all entitys a shade of red, and appear though walls ("wallhack")
Kill Aura - Attacks anything within reach distance, set the delay on the attacking with settings or ("killdealy ") enable with ("killaura")
Zoom - Zoom in ("Zoom")
Sneak - send sneak packets, and move slowly to bypass nocheat ("sneak")
High jump - Jump higher, custom settings in menu ("jump")
No Swing - Dont send swing packets, good for trolling ("noswing")
Suicide/Emo - kill yourself. friend. ("emo"/"suicide")
Infinite Fly - Fly UP UP UP. ("inffly")
Unblocker - This does practically nothing, but it unblocks movement at some points
Critical hit - do critical hits always ("critical")
Jesus - Bypassed jesus for nocheat, walk on water like it was solid ("jesus")
No Fall - dont take fall damage on server without nocheat ("nofall")
Get high - special hack for all you stoner fags. ;) ("weed")
Reach - reach hack for non-nocheat servers ("reach")
- Diamond Ore
- Gold Ore
- Iron Ore
- Coal Ore
- Lapis Ore
- Redstone Ore
- All ores
- Chests
- Custom
New Menu
Theres alot more. listing them is stupid, look in the changelog in-game

Unofficial Media:

Get a cape
Go to This link and login, feel free to check the page's source. choose a cape from the database or upload your own!

Change your chat TFF to custom font

While in-game, open console and type "/font=Lucida" or "/font=Comic Sans MS". It ca be ANY font file you have installed Black Hat

Special Thanks
Barclay - Helped heaps with the custom keybinds, gave me his base of it to work off.
Cheenar - He knows his stuff with GUI, and helped me with other code, also griefs/trolls with me in team pokemon
DeadlyCreeper - Helped with my first clients and stuff. not really this one
Pig Bacon - using his Global Cape API system.
σℓινкι - Gave me the base for my draggable with i edited to hell and make it way more usable, helped with saving text files, setting up the radar from Eclipse client, and giving me his base console to work with because im a lazy fag<3
Hihihihi - Fixing my Auto Tool with his code, :)
Coley - His BOTS source.
Squeeks/BMC - Prediction for projectiles esp.

There are 3 Links only, 

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