Social Icons

Sunday, 16 September 2012

[Rel] [1.3.2] [OptiFine] Xenon 2.4 [Click GUI | Fast speedmine | NC+ bypasses | TTF]

[Image: HAXZQ.png]
So, I had to post a new thread since someone hacked me and junked the original thread. So here we go.

Up arrow: GUI
R: Fly
C: Fullbright
B: Step
X: Xray
F: Sprint
H: SpeedMine
N: NoFall
GUI: SpeedHack
GUI: Auto Tool
K: Kill Aura
Z: Sneak
L: FastPlace
V: Freecam
Y: Chest ESP
U: Big names
O: Tracers
P: Player ESP
Comma: Nuker

NC+ bypassed kill aura
TTF Chat
Many commands, type .help.
Free! :D

All the keys are rebindable. There is a config file inside the Xenon folder in the .minecraft folder.

Post here, PM me or add me on skype if you need anything. :)

[Image: 12_09_12_15_57_03.png]
[Image: 12_09_12_16_02_15.png]
[Image: 12_09_12_16_03_05.png]
[Image: 12_09_12_16_04_23.png]

No anymore. Please stop moving/junking.

[Release] Zap 1.1.0 [1.3.1/1.3.2]

Zap Client Showcase/Release

I have been working on this client for a while, and most of you have saw it. So now i will release it. To only the few that i think are HQ and deserve it. If you leak this client it WILL be killed for everyone, and will not be released again.


* Sexy Gui
* Xray
* fullbright
* Speedmine
* AutoTool
* chestESP
* PlayerESP
* Tracer
* Chams
* Superwater
* antiWater
* Jesus
* Dolphin
* noWeather
* Fog Colors
* fastPLace
* Glide
* Textradar
** More **


Main Menu
[Image: 15fjD]

ToolTip On:
[Image: 15fke]

ToolTip Off:
[Image: 15fkF]

[Image: 15flu]

Oliver - Rect Methods
Guy that made the durability mod.
And other people that helped along the way

F - Opens GUI
R - fly
X - Xray
C - Fullbright


Make A Console
Make More KeyBinds
More aVo Haxes

Go To then Click "Zap Client" then Click Download

[Rel] WeepCraft [NCP Bypasses][Pwnage][Crasher][Advanced Hud][Huge Hack List]

Default Keys:Gui: Left Control
Advanced Hud: H
Screen Shot

[Image: WeepGui.png]

Feature List
Custom Keybinds,
Custom Colors
Dragable/Pinned Gui
Friends list, enemy list, admin list,
Saved Gui Location, Keys, booleans
Advanced Hud

Command List

notchfly = Notch Flight [ON/OFF],
autoplace = Auto Place [ON/OFF],
emo = Emo [ON/OFF],
map = Map [ON/OFF],
nosw = No Swing [ON/OFF],
spamsay = .spam=Message=Amount,
cords = Cords Meter [ON/OFF],
lagg = Lagg Meter [ON/OFF],
toolusage = ToolUsage [ON/OFF],
noresis = No Resistance [ON/OFF],
walk = Auto Walk [ON/OFF],
fastmine = Mine Faster [ON/OFF] Uses: [normal/instant],
sprint = Sprint [ON/OFF],
nopush = Unpushable [ON/OFF],
info = Info Gui [ON/OFF],
antideath = Disconnect on 3 hearts [ON/OFF],
up = Teleports you up 1-8,
down = Teleports you down 1-8,
autotool = Auto Tool [ON/OFF],
step = Step 3 [ON/OFF],
tracer = Tracer [ON/OFF],
onwater = Build on water [ON/OFF],
serverip = Server ip [ON/OFF],
god = God Mode [ON/OFF],
jump = High Jump [ON/OFF],
chest = Chest ESP [ON/OFF],
autofish = AutoFishing [ON/OFF],
killaura = KillAura [ON/OFF],
idzoom = Sets Zoom ID,
idwaypoint = Sets WayPoint,//Id end
safeafk = Safe Afk [ON/OFF],
heal = Heals your to full hp,
// = Requires World Edit And OP Removes Nearby ManMade blocks,
instanteat = Instant Eat/Drink [ON/OFF],
fastbow = Instant Bow [ON/OFF],
throw = Throw Number,
handid = HandID [ON/OFF],
ttfchat = TTF Chat [ON/OFF],
time = Real Time [ON/OFF],
drop = Drops items Uses: [all/hotbar/inventory/creative/command],
day = Always Day [ON/OFF],
freecam = Freecam [ON/OFF],
box = Playerbox [ON/OFF],
clear = Clear Chat,
waypoint = Waypoint [ON/OFF],
deathcords = Death Cords [ON/OFF],
automine = Auto Mine [ON/OFF],
help = Commands Gui [ON/OFF],
friend = Friend list Uses: [add/remove] ,
admin = Admin list Uses: [add/remove] ,
enemy = Enemy list Uses: [add/remove] ,
sneak = Sneak [ON/OFF] Uses: [sticky/normal/packet],
nofall = No Fall Dmg [ON/OFF],
crit = Critical Hits [ON/OFF],
jesus = Walk on lava/water [ON/OFF],
autorespawn = Auto Respawn [ON/OFF],
accepttpa = Auto Accept [ON/OFF],
climb = Spider Climb [ON/OFF],
fastplace = Fast Place [ON/OFF],
norender = No Item Render [ON/OFF],
noweather = No Weather [ON/OFF],
antifire = Box Around Fire [ON/OFF],
switch = Switches Current item [ON/OFF] Uses: [build/item] ,
autosign = Auto Sign [ON/OFF],
antimd = Anti MobDisguise [ON/OFF],
playername = Player Name [ON/OFF],
compass = Compass [ON/OFF],
antilagg = Nuker AntiLagg [ON/OFF],
say = Talk to chat,
spam = Spams Uses: [loveto/tpa/msg/hello/boss/afk/faction/swas/nyan/orly/smoke/dick] 'Playername' 'Msg' 'Times',
antispam = Anti Spam Commands,
aimbot = Auto Aim At Players [ON/OFF],
nuker = Nukers [ON/OFF] Uses: [redstone/torch/id/all/click/smash],
build = Build Mode [ON/OFF] Uses: [swas/wall/floor/tree/cube/pole/dick/randomblock/randomclick/line/house/custom],
derp = Derp Mode [ON/OFF] Uses: [normal/hump/headinbody/headinbodyrot/stare/starereverse/spin/head/nodyes/nodno/copy],
bigname = Large Name Tags [ON/OFF],
macro = Bind Commands/Talk to Numpad Uses: ['0-9' - 'Command'],
adminclose = Admin Close Message [ON/OFF],
keybind = Binds Key Uses: 'add/remove' 'Mod' 'Key',
keybinds = Lists all possible keybinds ,
flood = Spams the WeepFlood.txt Uses: [start/add/remove/clear/reload],
teleport = Teleports Uses: [pos/up/down/player/click] 'Cords/Number',
overlay = Block Overlay [ON/OFF],
autoregister = Auto Register on crackked servers [ON/OFF],
name = Player Infomation Uses: [protect/set/who],
knockback = Knockbacks enemys [ON/OFF],
nocheat = NoCheat/NoCheatPlus [ON/OFF],
scrape = Scrapes all username to WeepScrapes.txt file,
autodig = Autodigging after choosen block Uses: [autodig BlockID],
timer = Sets the World timer [ON/OFF],
fullbright = Fullbright [ON/OFF],
fastclick = Creative FastClick [ON/OFF]

Known Bugs
TTF Cant see Bold, Striked, Underlined, Italic (§l and so on seems to f* up) tried (s.contains do something) but anit working for some reason
AutoCraft requires 1 more item than need'ed
AutoArmor is abit dogdey
Auto Eat is abit dogdey
ESP Randomly turns grey
Spam MSG dont work (making a gui for the spam so cba fixing it)
Cant see nameplate if infront of chest/signs
Tracers dont change colors *Fixed in next update
AutoCraft buttons overlays on low resoultions *Fixed in next update

Download Link in the description of this video

Monday, 3 September 2012

[NCP Bypass][TUT]No KnockBack[TUT][NCP Bypass]

This is incredibly anoying, and sucks when you get pushed in lava. Thats where our friendly little hack, NoKnockback comes in.

Now this is one step tutorial, and I am just really going to show you where to look as there is seriously just one line needed. This is a NCP Bypass.

This is where to look:
[Image: Dccvc.png]

Thanks and enjoy!

[Tut]How to put a border around a tracer line. [/tities]

Have a working tracer in your client.


Go in RenderGlobal where your tracer line code is.
And look where it says...
GL11.glVertex2d(0.0D, 0.0D);
GL11.glVertex3d(x , y + 1.6F, z);       


That code is where it begins the tracer line from your body to theres.
With out that code there would be no line.
Now put or make sure above that code there is color and line width like so.
GL11.glColor4f(255F, 255F, 255F, 0.5F);

So if you haven't figured by now what you will be doing is making another line smaller that the first with a different color.
So right below, where it says that line has been drawn and (ended)
paste in the same code below it with a different color and a smaller width.
Here's the code for slow people.
/**Makes the color white and makes the width large.
Pro tip: look at the 0.5F. That is the opacity of the color to add a shadow effect. do that to both colors. */
GL11.glColor4f(255F, 255F, 255F, 0.5F);
/**The first line that will be the border, this is where it begins to draw */
/**Pos for the line */
GL11.glVertex2d(0.0D, 0.0D);
/**more positioning */
GL11.glVertex3d(x , y + 1.6F, z);   
/**And ends it to make one line. */   
/**Makes the middle line on top of the first making it smaller. */
/**Changing the color to light blue */
GL11.glColor4f(0F, 255F, 255F, 0.5F);
/**Begins to draw */
/**pos */
GL11.glVertex2d(0.0D, 0.0D);
/**pos */
GL11.glVertex3d(x , y + 1.6F, z);   
/**And here it ends */

Finish product.
[Image: aIFCg.png]

1.3.2 Dupe - Works on all current CraftBukkit servers

I've had a lot of fun with this, so I guess it's time to share how to do it :)

I would firstly like to say that this dupe is extremely timing sensitive and can be difficult to pull off.

This dupe exploits a flaw in all current servers on how they handle the death of already disconnected players.

The steps are as follows:

1) Have whatever items you wish to dupe in your inventory
2) Get a mob or a friend to attack you. I find it works best with baby wolves but any mob will work.
3) As the mob is about to hit you for the last time (as in, this hit will kill you) you need to disconnect before the hit actually registers client side.
4) You will die server side and drop your items, but will login with all of your items.

The timing needs to be perfect. I have tested this on all version of CraftBukkit so if it doesn't work for you, you are doing it wrong.

It is very easy to achieve if you bind disconnect to a keybind, like below.

if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == 38)
                                ((EntityClientPlayerMP)thePlayer).sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new Packet255KickDisconnect("Disconnected!"));

[TUT] Quick AutoSoup [TuT]


So, What is AutoSoup used for?
AutoSoup is used to automatically switch to soup, and heal you.(Used mostly in KitPVP servers)

KitPvP? What is that?
KitPvP is a PVP server that uses a plugin that makes soup instantly heal you.

Allows you to instantly heal your self.
NC bypassed.
Wont get killed.

Looks suspicious when you don't die.
Lag with cause you to get kicked.(Drops items to quickly. Hacking?)
Will not auto refill.
If not used properly, it can throw your sword.

Step one:
Make a new class and extend Thread. (This will allow us to create proper delay without freezing the game.)

public class AutoSoup extends Thread{

Step two:
In your new class, make a void called "run" (This is the code your thread will run)
public class AutoSoup extends Thread{
      public void run(){

Step 3:
Create a new int inside of run(), followed by a for loop.
public class AutoSoup extends Thread{
      public void run(){
            int sl = 0; Creates a new int.
            for (int in = 44; in >= 9; in--) Cycles thru your inventory.

Step 4:
Inside your for loop, create and define a new ItemStack and an Item.
public class AutoSoup extends Thread{
      public void run(){
            int sl = 0; Creates a new int.
            for (int in = 44; in >= 9; in--) Cycles thru your inventory.
                ItemStack itemstack =; Gets the item in the "in" slot.
                Item g = Item.bowlSoup; Defines g as bowlSoup.

Step 5:
Create a boolean(itemstack.getItem() ==g), and an if statement.
public class AutoSoup extends Thread{
      public void run(){
            int sl = 0; Creates a new int.
            for (int in = 44; in >= 9; in--) Cycles thru your inventory.
                ItemStack itemstack =; Gets the item in the "in" slot.
                Item g = Item.bowlSoup; Defines g as bowlSoup.
                boolean flag = itemstack1.getItem() ==g; if itemstack1.getItem() is bowlSoup, will return true.
                if (flag) if flag ^ is true..
                    sl = l1; //sl will equal that slot.

Step 6:
Switch, use, and trow your soup.
[code]public class AutoSoup extends Thread{
      public void run(){
            int sl = 0; Creates a new int.
            for (int in = 44; in >= 9; in--) Cycles thru your inventory.
                ItemStack itemstack =; Gets the item in the "in" slot.
                Item g = Item.bowlSoup; Defines g as bowlSoup.
                boolean flag = itemstack1.getItem() ==g; if itemstack1.getItem() is bowlSoup, will return true.
                if (flag) if flag ^ is true..
                    sl = l1; //sl will equal that slot.
            if(sl >= 36 && sl <= 44) If sl is in your hotBar.
                sl -= 36;
       Packet16BlockItemSwitch(k1)); Switches slots server sided.
       Packet15Place(-1, -1, -1, 255,, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F)); Uses the soup.
                try {
                    Thread.sleep(5); Adds delay.
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
       Packet14BlockDig(4, 0, 0, 0, 0)); Throws the bowl.
       Packet16BlockItemSwitch(; Switches back server sided.
                return; Returns.
            }else If soup is NOT in your hot bar.
      , 38, 0, false,;
      , sl, 0, true,;
      , 38, 0, false,; Puts soup in your Hotbar.
      , 38, 0, false,;
       Packet16BlockItemSwitch(2)); Switches to the soup.
                try {
                    Thread.sleep(5); Adds delay.
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
       Packet15Place(-1, -1, -1, 255,, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F)); Uses the soup.
                try {
                    Thread.sleep(5); Adds delay.
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
       Packet14BlockDig(4, 0, 0, 0, 0)); Throws the soup.
       Packet16BlockItemSwitch(; Switches back to your current slot.

Step 7:
Now how do I call this? Simple.
    Thread as = new AutoSoup();

Tip: Only call it if your health is under the maximum.
Super pro tip: Use a simple tick delay so you dont flood the server with packets.

To all the MadBros..
The reason I am posting this is because I have given this code to a few people, and if anybody is going to make this public code, its going to be the creator.

Want to make the code better?
Post below and I will add it in the code.